NAME Plack::Middleware::StaticShared - concat some static files to one resource SYNOPSIS use Plack::Builder; use WebService::Google::Closure; builder { enable "StaticShared", cache => Cache::Memcached::Fast->new(servers => [qw/]), base => './static/', binds => [ { prefix => '/.shared.js', content_type => 'text/javascript; charset=utf8', filter => sub { WebService::Google::Closure->new(js_code => $_)->compile->code; } }, { prefix => '/.shared.css', content_type => 'text/css; charset=utf8', } ]; verifier => sub { my ($version, $prefix) = @_; $version =~ /v\d/ }, $app; }; And concatnated resources are provided as like following: /.shared.js:v1:/js/foolib.js,/js/barlib.js,/js/app.js => concat following: ./static/js/foolib.js, ./static/js/barlib.js, ./static/js/app.js DESCRIPTION Plack::Middleware::StaticShared provides resource end point which concat some static files to one resource for reducing http requests. CONFIGURATIONS cache (required) A cache object for caching concatnated resource content. base (required) Base directory which concatnating resource located in. binds (required) Definition of concatnated resources. verifier (optional) A subroutine for verifying version string to avoid attacking of cache flooding. AUTHOR cho45 SEE ALSO Plack::Middleware Plack::Builder LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.